Administrative Review
What is administrative review?
Administrative review is a process to scrutinize eligible decisions and determine if any errors in case handling have led to an incorrect decision.
What does an administrative review do?
It allows the applicant to identify and challenge any case working errors that they believe may have occurred during their application. Correcting such errors is possible through administrative review, but it is important to note that this option is only available for eligible decisions.
Am I eligible for an administrative review?
If the Home Office has refused your initial application, the refusal decision notice will indicate if you are eligible to apply for administrative review. Generally, you can only apply for an administrative review if you do not have a right of appeal against the initial refusal.
If you are unsure about your eligibility for administrative review, please Contact Us for more information and advice.
It is crucial to be aware that there is a very strict time limit for challenging the Home Office decisions. Therefore, if you find yourself in this situation, you should Contact Us immediately.
What happens when an administrative review decision is made?
Once the Home Office makes a decision on your application, they will inform you the outcome of the review in writing. The outcome may include:
- A decision to change the initial decision in your favour
- A decision to uphold the initial decision and issue a fresh refusal
If your review application is refused, you may have the option to pursue a Judicial Review or submit a new visa application.
How long does it take to get a decision on Administrative Review?
Currently, the administrative review process may take 6 months or longer to provide a decision. If you do not receive a decision within 6 months, the Home Office will contact you with an update. It is important to note that the delay in processing applications does not affect your rights.
How we can assist you
We understand the stress and disturbance when you receive a refusal decision on your visa application, especially when you feel the decision that has been made is unfair. Our expert lawyers are available and more than happy to help you through the whole administrative review process. They will provide guidance and advice through each stage and maximize your chance to achieve a positive result.
To give your case the best chance of success, get in touch
To give your visa the best chance of success, and to reduce your stress, please contact our immigration experts.
If you wish to speak directly with one of our immigration specialists to get advice about business and personal immigration, or education in the UK and other visa issues, then please contact our Glasgow Head Office on Phone T: +44 (0)141 212 3355 or request a call back by completing the Online Form. You can also email us at More information can be found from Contact Us.
*Disclaimer: The above information is for general reference only. Specialist legal advice should be sought.
Latest update: August 2023