Students & Study
1. University in the UK
• Overview
The UK is one of the world’s most popular destinations to study higher education. UK universities are among the best in the world and consistently perform well in the world rankings. Going to university in the UK is a great opportunity for international students to expand their knowledge; meet new people; experience a new culture; and most importantly enjoy a great student lifestyle.
• What we do
Latta International offers guidance and support to prospective international students. Our service includes:
Providing advice to candidates on choosing the best universities in accordance with their academic interests.
Assisting candidates to prepare relevant materials for their university application.
Conducting mock interviews through WeChat or Skype to prepare candidates for university application interviews, and visa application interviews.
Assisting successful university applicants with their visa applications (see Student Visa Application).
o undergraduate 本科及预科学习
Qualifications, subjects, and exam grades – usually A levels or equivalent- level qualifications.
English language skills – you may require to take a specific English language test to get a place on a course.
Suitability – course descriptions usually mention the skills, interests, or experience that it is good to have.
Admissions test – please check the course requirements for more details.
Interview – you may need to attend an interview and early preparation is suggested.
o Postgraduate 研究生学习
• Why study postgraduate
Because you will:
Enhance your life skills and experience
Increase your knowledge
Gain a qualification
Improve your career
Increase potential earning
• Postgraduate entry requirements
Previous academic qualifications – a first or bachelor’s degree of a good standard is normally required.
English language skills – you need to be able to show that you have a good enough knowledge of English to be able to understand and follow the program.
Personal statement – explaining why you are applying for the course and why you feel you are a good applicant for the program. It should include your own academic achievements; your personal academic interests; why you want to take the postgraduate program you are applying for; and why you are wanting to apply to this specific institute.
Good references – you will be asked to provide the details of two or three people who can write a reference about you to support your application.
A good research proposal, if required
An interview, if required
2. Private Education 私立教育- Independent School (United Kingdom)
• Introduction of independent school
In the United Kingdom, independent schools (also as private schools) are fee-paying private schools independent of many of the regulations and conditions that apply to state-funded schools. There are around 2,500 independent school in the UK, which educate around 615,000 children. In 2017, the average cost for private schooling was £14,102 for day school and £32,259 for boarding school.
• Why choose UK for private education?
Independent schools in the UK are recognised by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as being among the best in the world. Some independent schools are particularly historical, such as The King’s School, Canterbury (founded as part of the church on 597). There are various types of independent schools including selective and non-selective schools, single-sex or co-educational, with some of them offering the opportunity to board. The academic success that has been achieved by pupils, and the focus on traditional difficult subjects, attracts many parents to send their children to an independent school in the UK. There is also a great focus on the development of the whole child through a range of co-curricular activities, either in sport, art, music or drama.
• Top Independent School in the UK
England Scotland Wales & Northern Ireland
Eton College Merchiston Castle School Christ College, Brecon
Wellington College, Berkshire George Herriot’s School Haberdashers’ Monmouth School for Girls
City of London School for Girls Stewart’s Melville College St. John’s College, Cardiff
Westminster School George Watson’s College Monmouth School
Harrow School St George’s School, Edinburgh Ruthin School
Charterhouse School Dollar Academy Rydal Penrhos
The King’s School, Canterbury Fettes College St Clare’s School, Newton
City of London School St. Aloysius’s College, Glasgow Rockport School
Sevenoaks School High School of Glasgow The Holywood Steiner School
Cheltenham Ladies’ College Kilgraston School Campbell College
3. If you need more information about private education, please CONTACT US.