Super Priority Service

Super Priority Service

Applying from Inside the UK

If you’re applying for a visa or settlement (‘indefinite leave to remain’) from within the UK and need an even faster decision, the ‘super priority service’ is available.

Getting a Decision with Super Priority Service

With the ‘super priority service,’ you can receive a decision on your visa application:

  • By the end of the next working day after your appointment if your appointment is on a weekday.
  • Within 2 working days after your appointment if your appointment falls on the weekend or a bank holiday. Please note that the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app cannot provide a decision by the end of the next working day.

Eligibility and Cost

To use the ‘super priority service,’ you must meet specific eligibility criteria. The additional fee for the ‘super priority service’ is £800 on top of the standard application fee.

Applying with Family Members

If you’re applying with family members and wish to expedite the decision process for all family members, each family member must pay the additional £800 fee for the ‘super priority service.’ Decisions for family members will be made simultaneously, and individual decision times are not available.

After You’ve Applied

Upon application, you will receive an email followed by a decision letter, either by post or email. The email will convey the application outcome if it’s approved. If the application is refused, the outcome will not be mentioned in the email.

When You Might Wait Longer for a Decision

If additional information is required, you might experience a delay in the decision-making process. You will receive instructions on how and when to provide this information.

Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)

Expect to receive your biometric residence permit (BRP) within 7 to 10 days of your decision. In the event of non-delivery, you can report your missing BRP online. Your BRP will be sent to the address you provided in your application, so be sure to update it before your application is approved if you wish to have it sent elsewhere.

Applying from Outside the UK

Expect to receive your biometric residence permit (BRP) within 7 to 10 days of your decision. In the event of non-delivery, you can report your missing BRP online. Your BRP will be sent to the address you provided in your application, so be sure to update it before your application is approved if you wish to have it sent elsewhere.

How Much It Costs

To use the ‘super priority service,’ you’ll need to pay an additional fee of £956 on top of your standard visa application fee.

Applying with Family Members

When applying with family members from outside the UK, you’ll receive decisions for all family members at the same time, and individual decision times are not available. Each family member must pay the additional fee for the ‘super priority service’ to expedite the decision.

Our Super Premium Service Package

Latta International offers our Premium Service Package to applicants eligible to use super priority service. We aim to prioritise your case by assigning it to one of our immigration law experts to minimize the application processing time, making your application journey as easy and frustration-free as possible. All the services of our premium service package include:

  • reviewing your circumstances and providing personalised legal guidance and advice
  • evaluating your full application before you submit your application
  • checking your relevant documents and providing suggestions and revisions to make sure everything is consistent with current Home Office rules, guidance, and policy
  • assisting you with your application submission and if required booking the super priority service at your convenience
  • accompanying and representing you with your lawyer to attend the biometric enrolment appointment
  • following up your application with Home Office and fully managing your application until you receive a decision which you are happy with.

If you are not eligible to use the services above, don’t worry. We also offer an Accelerated Service Package, providing you all the assistance listed in the Super Premium Service Package to accelerate and simplify the procedure for you.

To give your case the best chance of success, get in touch

To give your visa the best chance of success, and to reduce your stress, please contact our immigration experts.

If you wish to speak directly with one of our immigration specialists to get advice about business and personal immigration, or education in the UK and other visa issues, then please contact our Glasgow Head Office on Phone T: +44 (0)141 212 3355 or request a call back by completing the Online Form. You can also email us at More information can be found from Contact Us.  

*Disclaimer: The above information is for general reference only. Specialist legal advice should be sought.

Latest updates: August 2023