Tier 1 Investor Visa

What is the Tier 1 Investor Visa?

The Tier 1 Investor Visa is now closed for new applicants from 17th February 2022. If you are currently on Tier 1 Investor Visa route, there are transitional rules in place. If you wish further information, please feel free to contact us.

The Tier 1 Investor category is for high net worth individuals seeking to make a substantial financial investment in the UK. Under this route you will not need to show that you have any English language ability or any maintenance (funds). However, there is a requirement for a minimum of £2,000,000 to invest. Your dependants may be able to join you, and you may be able to apply for settlement in the UK after 5 years through this route.

Key Points
  • route for high-net-worth individuals seeking to make substantial investment in the UK
  • requirement for a minimum of £2,000,000 to invest
  • no maintenance or English language requirements
  • can bring family
  • initial period of 3 years and 4 months granted
  • up to 2 years extension is possible (see Investor Visa Extension)

The time frame required to achieve settlement depends on the total amount of your investment. If you invested

  • £2,000,000, you are eligible to apply for settlement within 5 years
  • £5,000,000, you are eligible to apply for settlement within 3 years
  • £10,000,000, you are eligible to apply for settlement within 2 years

What are the eligibility requirements?

In order to apply you need to evidence that you:

  • have at least £2,000,000 investment funds which must be:
    1. your own money, under your control, and held in one or more regulated financial institutions
    2. free to spend (‘disposable’) in the UK
    3. held for at least 2 years prior to the date of application
  • are 18 or over
  • are able to prove that the money belongs to either you or your husband, wife, unmarried or same-sex partner
  • have opened a UK bank account for the purposes of investing not less than £2,000,000 in the UKApplicants will need to provide confirmation from a UK bank that it has carried out all required due diligence checks and Know Your Customer enquiries;
  • tuberculosis test results are required if you are from a designated country
  • provided a criminal record certificate

Ref: https://www.gov.uk/tier-1-investor

To give your case the best chance of success, get in touch

To give your visa the best chance of success, to reduce stress, please contact our immigration experts.

If you wish to speak directly with one of our specialists,  please contact our Glasgow Head Office on Phone.

T: +44 (0)141 212 3355 or request a call back by completing the Online Form.

E:  enquiries@lattainternational.com. More information can be found in Contact Us.  

*Disclaimer: The above information is for general reference only. Specialist legal advice should be sought.

Latest update: February 2022